
Panes caseros, salados, rellenos, budines & muffins elaborados artesanalmente con harinas comunes, orgánicas y especiales, semillas y condimentos, de la mano de Lisandro Serra Delmar, de formación artística y antroposófica.
Menú à la carte, ingredientes a elección, combinados a piaccere, realizados a medida, creados con amor, para comer pan que además de nutrir, ¡sane! ¡Salud!
¡Al Pan, Bio Pan... y ¡a Bio, Vida!

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Tel: (011) 15 30849363
Zona Centro y Recoleta (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
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Ingredientes: Agricultura Biodinámica

La agricultura biodinámica es un método de agricultura ecológica que trata a las granjas como organismos unificados en individuales, haciendo hincapié en el equilibrio del desarrollo integral y la interrelación de los suelos, las plantas, los animales como un sistema de auto nutrición sin entradas externas en la medida en que sea posible teniendo en cuenta la perdida de nutrientes debido a la exportación de alimentos. Como en otras formas de agricultura orgánica, fertilizantes artificiales y pesticidas y herbicidas tóxicos son estrictamente evitados. Existen agencias independientes de certificación para los productos, en su mayoría miembros de la biodinámica grupo internacional de estándares biodinámicos Demeter International.
Considerado por algunos como el primer sistema moderno de la agricultura ecológica y una de las más sostenibles, la agricultura biodinámica tiene mucho en común con otros métodos orgánicos, como el énfasis en el uso de abonos y compost y la exclusión del uso de productos químicos artificiales en el suelo y las plantas. Métodos únicos al enfoque biodinámico incluyen el uso de hierba fermentada y preparados minerales como aditivos de compost y aerosoles para terreno y el uso de una siembra astronómica y siembra de acuerdo al un calendario de siembras. La biodinámica se originó a partir del trabajo de Rudolf Steiner, el fundador de la antroposofía.

 Illustrations of the bridges between physical and soul-spiritual domains of human existence. The anthroposophic approach to nutrition incorporates modern scientific discoveries about the human body and the natural kingdoms in such a way that it does not lose the human soul and spirit. Anthroposophy integrates both worlds and for that reason it is also called spiritual-science. An example of such approach is the following picture of the threefold division of the human body, in relation to the three soul activities, and their links to primary human activities and vocations. Among others it reveals the link between processes of nutrition and the soul forces of will. It hints on one of the hidden reasons behind the lack of the will for real changes needed to stop modern environmental and economic crisis: the extremely low quality of modern, over-processed food! It does not demand much inner activities to be digested. It causes weakening of our metabolic-limb system, i.e. our will forces.

Introduction to the basic ‘laws of nutrition’ which include the nutritional interrelationships between body, soul and spirit. For example, one cannot understand nutrition properly without being aware of the existence of two nutritional streams: so-called ‘earthly nutrition’ and ‘cosmic nutrition.’ Both streams are providing us with essential nourishing substances, but of very different nature. Earthly nutritional stream enters through metabolic system, but its substances nourish nerve-sense system (see threefold division of human being in the above picture). Cosmic nutritional stream enters through nerve-sense system, but its substances nourish metabolic-limb system.

Practical guidelines for a ‘general nutritional therapy’ (i.e. new food culture) accessible to everyone who wants to improve the quality of their life. An example of such guidelines is the use of seven grains in the following weekly rhythm: This is one of the most characteristic practical features of anthroposophic approach to nutrition. There exist seven different grains with many varieties. They were the staple food of humanity since the beginning of farming. If you look at the history of human nutrition, you will find that ancient people based their food culture exclusively on one type of grain. An example of this was – and in some parts still is – Asia and use of rice. In later historical development other grains were introduced. But only in modern times, due to global food market all seven grains are available. But the main reason for including all seven grains in one’s diet is not just because of evident nutritional advantages; it has deeper, spiritual-scientific background. It is based out of the recognition of planetary influences on the grains, on different days of the week, and on the seven inner organs of human being.
Anthroposophic communities also tend to use biodynamic grains (if available) which also makes sense, for one of the most fundamental characteristics of biodynamic farming is working with cosmic influences on plant growth. With such rhythmic consumption we bring a balancing, harmonising effect on our own overall wellbeing.

(Brane Zilavec - Antrophosophic Nutrition Researcher)

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